3 Tips for a Meditation Practice

photo courtesy of Ellieelien

photo courtesy of Ellieelien

A regular meditation practice is invaluable during these uncertain times of COVID-19 as the country begins to open up.  Meditating everyday releases stress, builds a resilience of calm, lowers blood pressure and helps us to be more compassionate toward ourselves and others.

Over the years, I have experimented with when and where to meditate in an effort to establish a steadfast practice.  In order to reap the benefits of meditation, it has to become a daily routine.  Here are my top 3 tips for making sure you develop a consistent practice and stay committed to maintaining a healthy mind.

1) Meditate first thing in the morning if you can.
I have found that meditating at the beginning of my day works best for me.  When my mind is clear at the start of the day, I find it settles more quickly into a deeper meditative state.  It also contributes to a more mindful day. 

2) If you choose to do it at another time of day, prioritize it.
For a couple of years I had to be out the door to work very early in the morning, so my meditation practice shifted to the early evening.  I put it on my calendar and committed to it in the same way I would commit to any other kind of meeting.

3) Think “same time, same place.”

After much consideration, I designed a space dedicated for my meditation practice in our new townhouse.  In an alcove in our dining room, I placed an altar on top of a built-in cabinet. My altar consists of meaningful statuary, a couple of bleached white shells, a small candle and a container for incense.  Fresh flowers also adorn my altar.  This is a sacred space for me.  It is here, in the early morning hours before Rick gets up, I sit meditation for thirty minutes and pray.  

            Meditation spaces can be an entire room, an empty closet, the top of a dresser, a broad window sill or a lovely bench in your garden.  Be creative by embellishing it with a few meaningful and favorite things.  Then this special place will call out to you to sit. 

Mindful Tip:

Designate a consistent time and place to establish and strengthen your meditation practice.

Morning Rituals

photo courtesy of Jacek Dylag

photo courtesy of Jacek Dylag

             This morning, like most mornings, my husband, Rick and I had breakfast together. We enjoyed a cup of coffee, read from our inspirational books and did a guided meditation.    Some of our favorite meditations are by Sarah Blondin on Insight Timer.  Her voice is lovely and she creates exquisite imagery through her words. 

            I’m entirely grateful we both have our own businesses availing us the opportunity to spend quality time together as the day begins.  This hour over breakfast allows me to start the day in a mindful manner as opposed to being shot from a cannon.  I believe how we spend the first hour of our day acts as a rudder steering the remainder of the day.

Mindful Tip:

Even if it means getting up 5 minutes earlier, start the day by doing either a short guided meditation or a breath meditation.  It will prepare you to be more present throughout your  day.