3 Tips for a Meditation Practice

photo courtesy of Ellieelien

photo courtesy of Ellieelien

A regular meditation practice is invaluable during these uncertain times of COVID-19 as the country begins to open up.  Meditating everyday releases stress, builds a resilience of calm, lowers blood pressure and helps us to be more compassionate toward ourselves and others.

Over the years, I have experimented with when and where to meditate in an effort to establish a steadfast practice.  In order to reap the benefits of meditation, it has to become a daily routine.  Here are my top 3 tips for making sure you develop a consistent practice and stay committed to maintaining a healthy mind.

1) Meditate first thing in the morning if you can.
I have found that meditating at the beginning of my day works best for me.  When my mind is clear at the start of the day, I find it settles more quickly into a deeper meditative state.  It also contributes to a more mindful day. 

2) If you choose to do it at another time of day, prioritize it.
For a couple of years I had to be out the door to work very early in the morning, so my meditation practice shifted to the early evening.  I put it on my calendar and committed to it in the same way I would commit to any other kind of meeting.

3) Think “same time, same place.”

After much consideration, I designed a space dedicated for my meditation practice in our new townhouse.  In an alcove in our dining room, I placed an altar on top of a built-in cabinet. My altar consists of meaningful statuary, a couple of bleached white shells, a small candle and a container for incense.  Fresh flowers also adorn my altar.  This is a sacred space for me.  It is here, in the early morning hours before Rick gets up, I sit meditation for thirty minutes and pray.  

            Meditation spaces can be an entire room, an empty closet, the top of a dresser, a broad window sill or a lovely bench in your garden.  Be creative by embellishing it with a few meaningful and favorite things.  Then this special place will call out to you to sit. 

Mindful Tip:

Designate a consistent time and place to establish and strengthen your meditation practice.