Mindful Eating Workshops


“Only the present moment contains life.” Thich Nhat Hanh

“Only the present moment contains life.” Thich Nhat Hanh

What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating is learning to pay attention while you're eating. Instead of eating mindlessly, putting food into your mouth almost unconsciously, not tasting the food you're eating, you notice your thoughts, feelings, and sensations. The look, smell, taste, and feel of the food you're eating comes into awareness.

If you are tired of emotional eating, eating when you are full and feeling shame, remorse, and guilt after over-eating, this workshop is for you. During our 90 minutes together, you will learn mindfulness meditation techniques that will bring greater awareness to your automatic eating habits and allow you to gain control over common pitfalls that sabotage your efforts at reaching and maintaining your ideal weight.

We’ll talk about some related topics such as taste satisfaction, hunger and fullness signals and self-compassion among others. The class is fun comprised of experiential learning, sharing, and humor as we tackle this all-important aspect of our health. No previous experience of meditation is necessary.


How do I sign up for a Mindful Eating Workshop?

Contact Mimi to make a reservation for an upcoming workshop or if you would like more information.

How much does a Mindful Eating Workshop cost?

The cost of the Mindful Eating Workshop is $35 and is payable at the start of the class by cash, check or credit card.

Private instruction and corporate bookings are available upon request.


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